This page continues the list of most common French words along with their English translation. By now, you should have become familiar with the first 700 most used French words. Please, see the index of most used words at the bottom of this page to jump to any part of the frequency list.
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Most Used French words 601-700
Rank | French word | English translation | Part of speech |
601. | bateau | boat, ship | noun |
602. | million | million | noun |
603. | sac | bag, sack | noun |
604. | impossible | impossible | adjective |
605. | seconde | second, moment | noun |
606. | bête | stupid, silly | noun, adjective |
607. | découvrir | to discover, find | verb |
608. | erreur | error, mistake | noun |
609. | soleil | sun, sunlight | noun |
610. | voyage | trip, journey | noun |
611. | sauter | to jump | verb |
612. | rêver | to dream | verb |
613. | détester | to hate, detest | verb |
614. | clair | clear, apparent | adjective |
615. | faux | wrong, false, fallacious | adjective |
616. | paraître | to come out, be published | verb |
617. | balle | ball (sports equipment) | noun |
618. | empêcher | to prevent | verb |
619. | maintenir | to keep, maintain | verb |
620. | cheveu | a hair | noun |
621. | papier | paper | noun |
622. | présent | a present; present, current | noun, adjective |
623. | sujet | subject, topic, theme | noun |
624. | supposer | to suppose, assume | verb |
625. | tranquille | quiet, calm | adjective |
626. | neuf | nine; new, unused | numerical adjective, adjective |
627. | épouser | to marry, to espouse | verb |
628. | blanc | white; blank | adjective |
629. | table | table; | noun |
630. | toute | everything, all (see #22, 256) | indefinite adjective |
631. | dix | ten, tenth | numerical adjective |
632. | clé | key; solutioin | noun |
633. | agent | officer, oficial, agent | noun |
634. | approcher | to approach | verb |
635. | sens | direction, way; meaning; sense; senses | noun |
636. | craindre | to fear, to be afraid of | verb |
637. | six | six | numerical adjective |
638. | message | message | noun |
639. | crier | to shout | verb |
640. | salle | room, hall, audience | noun |
641. | inviter | to invite | verb |
642. | effet | effect, impression | noun |
643. | réfléchir | to reflect, think | verb |
644. | espèce | species, kind | noun |
645. | arranger | to arrange, to organize | verb |
646. | naître | to be born | verb |
647. | allô | Hello! (telephone) | onomatopoeia |
648. | bois | wood; antlers | noun |
649. | propos | subject, topic, remark, point | noun |
650. | camp | camp | noun |
651. | sorte | sort, kind | noun |
652. | hôtel | hotel; | noun |
653. | début | beginning | noun |
654. | souffrir | to be in pain, suffer | verb |
655. | jambe | leg | noun |
656. | remercier | to thank | verb |
657. | choix | choice, selection | noun |
658. | sécurité | safety, security | noun |
659. | avocat | lawyer | noun |
660. | attraper | to catch | verb |
661. | client | customer, client, guest | noun |
662. | courant | current, trend | noun |
663. | dépêcher | to dispatch | verb |
664. | peuple | people | noun |
665. | dame | lady, queen | noun |
666. | vérifier | to check, verify | verb |
667. | abandonner | to abandon, leave, desert | verb |
668. | journal | newspaper, diary, journal | noun |
669. | sérieux | genuine, serious | adjective |
670. | brûler | to burn | verb |
671. | or | gold | noun |
672. | loi | law, rule | noun |
673. | fond | bottom, back | noun |
674. | gosse | kid (colloquial, child, youngster) (see #745) | noun |
675. | fric | doug, money, cash | noun |
676. | situation | situation; job; location | noun |
677. | euh | Er… | onomatopoeia |
678. | sauf | except | preposition |
679. | accident | accident | noun |
680. | doute | doubt | noun |
681. | scène | scene | noun |
682. | soldat | soldier | noun |
683. | amoureux | loving | adjective |
684. | assurer | to assure, insure | verb |
685. | preuve | proof, evidence | noun |
686. | humain | human | adjective |
687. | mer | sea, seaside | noun |
688. | silence | silence | noun |
689. | télé | TV, telly | noun |
er">690. | victime | victim, casualty | noun |
691. | complètement | completely, fully, in depth | adverb |
692. | pute | whore | noun |
693. | garde | guard; carer, nurse | noun |
694. | meurtre | murder | noun |
695. | groupe | group | noun |
696. | crime | crime | noun |
697. | traiter | to treat; to deal | verb |
698. | doucement | gently, softly | adverb |
699. | blesser | to injure, wound, hurt | verb |
700. | colonel | colonel | noun |
Index of most common French words
- Top 50 French words
- Most common French words: 51-100
- Most common French words: 101-150
- Most common French words: 151-200
- Most common French words: 201-300
- Most common French words: 301-400
- Most common French words: 401-500
- Most common French words: 501-600
- Most common French words: 601-700
- Most common French words: 701-800
- Most common French words: 801-900
- Most common French words: 901-1000