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Compare French to Romance Languages

This page will help you compare French with other Romance languages based on a Swadesh list for French, Italian and Spanish. A Swadesh list is simply a list of the most important words with their basic meanings, named after its inventor Morris Swadesh. Although the Swadesh list was originally created as a linguistic tool to compare how similar the languages from the same language family are, you will find it to be a useful tool when learning French as a foreign language on your own. It will help you compare French to other Romance languages and learn the most common lemmas. A Swadesh list comes in two flavors — one with 207 meanings, the other with 100 meanings. A shorter Swadesh list includes the minimum set of the most important lemmas, while the longer version of the list may include a few old-fashioned and less common words. The list below includes the most basic French words (lemmas) along with their English, Italian and Spanish translations. Learning the French words on the Swadesh list will help you to get a better idea about how the French language is related to other Romance languages.

Rank English word French translation Italian translation Spanish translation
1 I je io yo
2 you, thou tu, vous tu tu, Usted
3 he il lui, egli el
4 we nous noi nosotros
5 you vous voi vosotros, Ustedes
6 they ils, elles loro, essi ellos, ellas
7 this ceci questo este
8 that cela quello ese, aquel
9 here ici qui, qua aqui, aca
10 there là la ahi
11 who qui chi quien
12 what quoi che que
13 where où dove donde
14 when quand quando cuando
15 how comment come como
16 not ne...pas non no
17 all tout tutto todo
18 many plusieurs molti muchos
19 some quelques alcuni algunos
20 few peu pochi poco
21 other autre altro otro
22 one un uno uno
23 two deux due dos
24 three trois tre tres
25 four quatre quattro cuatro
26 five cinq cinque cinco
27 big grand grande grande
28 long long lungo largo
29 wide large largo ancho
30 thick épais spesso gordo
31 heavy lourd pesante pesado
32 small petit piccolo pequeno
33 short court corto corto
34 narrow étroit stretto estrecho
35 thin mince sottile delgado,flaco
36 woman femme donna mujer
37 man (adult male) homme uomo hombre
38 man (human being) homme uomo hombre
39 child enfant bambino nino
40 wife femme, épouse moglie esposa, mujer
41 husband mari, époux marito esposo, marido
42 mother mère madre madre
43 father père padre padre
44 animal animal animale animal
45 fish poisson pesce pez, pescado
46 bird oiseau uccello pajaro
47 dog chien cane perro
48 louse pou pidocchio piojo
49 snake serpent serpente serpiente
50 worm ver verme gusano
51 tree arbre albero arbol
52 forest forêt foresta bosque
53 stick bâton bastone palo
54 fruit fruit frutta fruta
55 seed graine seme semilla
56 leaf feuille foglia hoja
57 root racine radice raiz
58 bark écorce corteccia corteza
59 flower fleur fiore flor
60 grass herbe erba hierba
61 rope corde corda cuerda
62 skin peau pelle piel
63 meat viande carne carne
64 blood sang sangue sangre
65 bone os osso hueso
66 fat (n.) graisse grasso gordo
67 egg Å“uf uovo huevo
68 horn corne corno cuerno
69 tail queue coda cola
70 feather plume piuma pluma
71 hair cheveu capelli cabello
72 head tête testa cabeza
73 ear oreille orecchio oreja
74 eye Å“il occhio ojo
75 nose nez naso nariz
76 mouth bouche bocca boca
77 tooth dent dente diente
78 tongue langue lingua lengua
79 fingernail ongle unghia una
80 foot pied piede pie
81 leg jambe gamba pierna
82 knee genou ginocchio rodilla
83 hand main mano mano
84 wing aile ala ala
85 belly ventre pancia barriga
86 guts entrailles intestino tripas
87 neck cou collo cuello
88 back dos schiena espalda
89 breast sein, poitrine petto pecho
90 heart cœur cuore corazon
91 liver foie fegato higado
92 drink boire bere beber, tomar
93 eat manger mangiare comer
94 bite mordre mordere morder
95 suck sucer succhiare chupar
96 spit cracher sputare escupir
97 vomit vomir vomitare vomitar
98 blow souffler soffiare soplar
99 breathe respirer respirare respirar
100 laugh rire ridere reir
101 see voir vedere ver
102 hear entendre udire, sentire oïr
103 know savoir sapere saber
104 think penser pensare pensar
105 smell sentir odorare, annusare oler
106 fear craindre, avoir peur temere temer
107 sleep dormir dormire dormir
108 live vivre vivere vivir
109 die mourir morire morir
110 kill tuer uccidere matar
111 fight se battre combattere pelear
112 hunt chasser cacciare cazar
113 hit frapper colpire golpear
114 cut couper tagliare cortar
115 split fendre dividere, separare partir
116 stab poignarder pugnalare apunalar
117 scratch gratter graffiare aranar, rascar
118 dig creuser scavare cavar
119 swim nager nuotare nadar
120 fly (v.) voler volare volar
121 walk marcher camminare caminar
122 come venir venire venir
123 lie s'étendre distendersi echarse
124 sit s'asseoir sedere sentarse
125 stand se lever stare in piedi estar de pie
126 turn tourner girare voltear
127 fall tomber cadere caer
128 give donner dare dar
129 hold tenir tenere sostener
130 squeeze serrer spremere apretar
131 rub frotter strofinare frotar
132 wash laver lavare lavar
133 wipe essuyer asciugare limpiar
134 pull tirer tirare tirar
135 push pousser spingere empujar
136 throw jeter tirare tirar
137 tie lier legare atar
138 sew coudre cucire coser
139 count compter contare contar
140 say dire dire decir
141 sing chanter cantare cantar
142 play jouer giocare jugar
143 float flotter galleggiare flotar
144 flow couler fluire fluir
145 freeze geler gelare helar
146 swell gonfler gonfiare hincharse
147 sun soleil sole sol
148 moon lune luna luna
149 star étoile stella estrella
150 water eau acqua agua
151 rain pluie pioggia lluvia
152 river rivière fiume rio
153 lake lac lago lago
154 sea mer mare mar
155 salt sel sale sal
156 stone pierre pietra piedra
157 sand sable sabbia arena
158 dust poussière polvere polvo
159 earth terre terra tierra
160 cloud nuage nuvola nube
161 fog brouillard nebbia niebla
162 sky ciel cielo cielo
163 wind vent vento viento
164 snow neige neve nieve
165 ice glace ghiaccio hielo
166 smoke fumée fumo humo
167 fire feu fuoco fuego
168 ashes cendres ceneri cenizas
169 burn brûler bruciare quemar
170 road route strada camino
171 mountain montagne montagna montana
172 red rouge rosso rojo
173 green vert verde verde
174 yellow jaune giallo amarillo
175 white blanc bianco blanco
176 black noir nero negro
177 night nuit notte noche
178 day jour giorno dia
179 year an, année anno ano
180 warm chaud caldo calido
181 cold froid freddo frio
182 full plein pieno lleno
183 new nouveau nuovo nuevo
184 old vieux vecchio viejo
185 good bon buono bueno
186 bad mauvais cattivo malo
187 rotten pourri marcio podrido
188 dirty sale sporco sucio
189 straight droit diritto recto
190 round rond rotondo redondo
191 sharp tranchant, pointu aguzzo, affilato agudo, afilado
192 dull émoussé noioso romo
193 smooth lisse liscio suave
194 wet mouille bagnato mojado
195 dry sec asciutto, secco seco
196 correct juste, correct corretto correcto
197 near proche vicino cerca
198 far loin lontano lejos
199 right à droite destra derecha
200 left à gauche sinistra izquierda
201 at à a a, en
202 in dans in en
203 with avec con con
204 and et e y
205 if si se si
206 because parce que perche porque
207 name nom nome nombre